Types of Web Hosting

After choosing the web host, you find types of web hosting a web hosting provider is providing. Following are the types of web hosting: -Free Web Hosting:
If you do not want to spend money on hosting, free web hosting is your choice. This is better for a small site or you want to build a backup site for your existing site. You do not mind free ads, banners and pop ups on your site. The biggest advantage is that you do not need to pay a price. It’s free. It is best suited for testing purposes and for students. There are many drawbacks. The web host shows advertisement on your site to grab money. The disk space and bandwidth is low. There is limit on the file upload size. They often do not provide you the feature of sub domains instead they provide you directory. The domains are like yourusername.webhost.com. They do not provide the business features like shopping carts, databases etc.Virtual or Shared Web Hosting
Shared web hosting means that there is one server (hardware and software) and many sites are hosted on it. You do not have total control on the server. Web hosts provide control panels to access the site and to maximize the revenue per server. You must see the terms of service before choosing shared hosting. Check whether there are scripts or software web host is not providing. The biggest disadvantage of shared web hosting is that if any of the websites goes down due to error, all other websites will be down.Virtual Private Server (VPS) Web Hosting
Virtual Private Server (VPS) is also called Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS). You may have surprised by this term but it simply means that there is one server but the resource allocation is in such a way that each customer will get a dedicated environment. Customer has the feeling that no one else is using this server hence it is called virtual dedicated server. It is secure system because though the CPU and RAM is shared but file system is unique. If someone hacks a website then he will not be able to disturb other website because you have your own file system and only you can access that. A VPS is much cheaper solution than a dedicated server.The disadvantage is that hosting providers oversell shared space. It means selling physical resources more than hosting providers have mentioned in the terms of service (TOS). If there are more customers and everyone has shared the physical resources and you oversell then overall robust environment can not be provided.Dedicated Web Hosting
In a shared environment, many websites of different customers share the same server resources while in dedicated server environment, you own a dedicated server with complete control of your own control on software and hardware. Dedicated server is just like your own personal computer with your total control but the difference is that it is located in some data center. You can host as many sites as you want and install any scripts and software you want. This type of hosting service is best for CPU intensive applications. For example if you have millions of users accessing your website same time then you must consider this kind of service. The uptime is guaranteed.There are cons of this type of hosting. First is the cost. Dedicated servers are costly because there is a setup fee and you need an expert to do that. In shared server environment, hosting provider only created a new hosting account. In dedicated server environment, the provider has to install and configure operating system for you and the hardware. You need an expert administrator to install software patches for you. The hourly rate for these professionals is higher than the support engineers who manage shared hosting accounts.Managed Web Hosting
You buy a dedicated server but if you do not have technical skills than it is of no use. Hosting providers added another layer on top of dedicated server where you hire the server management facilities. A person having technical knowledge of installing software patches and other management activities does the job for you and you do not need to worry about the server if it crashes. They take regular backups for you. They install the software needed. They only provide you FTP to upload your content and they manage all the other technical stuff.The drawback of this kind of hosting is the cost. This is the most costly solution but the advantage is that you only need to focus on the website content. Website hosting and administration is the duty of hosting provider.Collocated Web Hosting
If you are not satisfied with managed hosting then you can choose to buy your own server from vendor, install all the required hardware and software and place it in some data center. You only use the infrastructure provided by the data center. You will have full control of the server with the infrastructure and administration facility of the data center. Most providers offer secure cages to place the server inside. The big companies on the Internet use this kind of hosting. You can best customize your server using this kind of hosting. You can increase the hardware and can install the software as you like. You are responsible to buy hardware and software and you are responsible for it if anything goes wrong.You as a customer manage the server and you are responsible for any problem. If you hire some service as a part of TOS then you will have to pay extra.Reseller Web Hosting
It is simple. You sell the hosting provider server space under your own brand. This is a contract between you and hosting provider. Agreements can be based on per server sign ups. You sell hosting package the hosting provider is providing and pay the fee to provider. The second option is carte-blanche. You pay a set fee and receive a certain resource and you can resell it independently. Third option is leasing a dedicated server. You resell the web space and keep all the profits.This type of hosting pays you the most. Most of the IT companies offer design and development services and they also offer hosting. So, the clients have advantage of getting all the services under one roof. You must be very much technical if you want to delve into this business. You have to provide 24×7 support services to the clients. It is good for multiple domain hosting. The best option is that you buy a dedicated server and start the hosting business.

Auto Repair Guides

Auto repair guides explain the maintenance, repair, and cleaning of automotive supplies. These are guides meant for home users as well as professionals. Nowadays, these are available in electronic versions, and there are many software packages available to diagnose and fix automotive problems.Major companies in this industry such as Ford, Mercedes, Chevrolet, and Volkswagen provide electronic auto repair guides so that even amateur users can learn a lot about auto repair. Auto repair guides usually tell you how repairs are done on all major parts of an automobile including the brake system, cooling system, electrical system, engine system, A/C-heat system, body and exterior, exhaust system, fuel system, steering and suspension system, and drive train.A number of good online auto repair guides are provided free on selected websites. These sites provide useful articles and FAQs that enable you to learn the techniques of auto repair step by step.Lots of auto repair guides tell you how to do simple auto repair jobs at home.They also help you find quality used auto parts. Lots of auto repair guides also give you advice on auto repair shops in major cities. Auto repair guides also provide information on auto insurance, car rentals, driving schools and car washes. They help you learn more about automotive maintenance, car accessories and car audio systems.At the most basic level, general auto repair guides walk you through some of the most basic maintenance and repair processes that are common to all vehicles. If you are new to auto repair, these may help you a lot. Auto repair guides also tell you how to choose a repair shop and how to choose a technician. They provide you with an idea about repair charges and preventive maintenance too. You can learn a lot about protecting your auto repair investment from these guides.

The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need To Improve Your Personal Productivity

A new take on personal productivityProductivity is dependant upon three things:1. A clear understanding of what’s important (your goals come from this).
2. A simple approach.
3. Consistency.That’s all I do to get a lot of important things done every day. (FYI: it’s 10:57am and I’ve already watched four training videos, called my clients, read my important email messages, written three blog posts, played with my son and had two cups of coffee. )Do what’s important!I get a lot of important – this is the key – things done because I only do what is important. I say important a lot in this type of post. Are you starting to catch on?Here’s how I do it (and you can too)Let’s break my method down.First, understand what is importantYou have to start with getting an understanding of what is important to you. You have to do this on three levels:1. What is important to you? (E. g. What makes you tick? For me, it’s all about family).2. What do I have to do to succeed in my area/s of importance? (E.g. What do you have to do to succeed? For me, the question is “What do I have to do to provide my family with the lifestyle they deserve?”3. What do I have to do today? (E.g. Which task/s will get me closer to achieving my goals?)In understanding what is important to you and what you have to do to achieve your goals you simplify your daily activities.Let’s look at an exampleLet’s say you determine that travel is the most important thing to you. Let’s say you determine that you want to travel for at least 6 months each year.In this case, it would be crazy for you to look for an employee position as you will be moving on every 6 months. Who would employ you?Knowing what’s important will guide you to roles and options that are more flexible. Perhaps you will create an online business that makes you passive income?Based on determining what is important you can start acting on only those tasks that get you closer to making enough money in a way that lets you travel every 6 months. This eliminates all the tasks that do not get you closer to that goal.A quick note: you will have goals on multiple levels. That’s okay. Just understand that at all levels you need to follow the same simple approach.A simple approach.The best approach is always a simple approach. I don’t care how complex a situation is. You can always break it down into simple and manageable chunks. Simple is where the results are.Here is my simple approach:– Determine the three most important things you can do to achieve your ultimate goals.
– Don’t do anything that doesn’t fit into these three areas.Couldn’t be simpler. Now, remember simple doesn’t mean easy. The hard work comes at the beginning in determining what’s important.You have to be consistentMost systems fail because they are not followed consistently. Perhaps this is because we have a short attention span. You see, this is one of those times that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. “All systems are only as successful as their component parts and you are the largest component of your own personal productivity system.A quick reviewLet’s recap:1. Define what’s important.
2. Build your goals and plans based on the important stuff.
3. Choose three key areas that will get you closer to your goals and help you action your plans.
4. Only start (and complete) tasks that fit within these three areas.
5. Rinse and repeat.Related Posts:– Seven Ways to Achieve Results
– My Unconventional Approach to Getting Things Done
– How I Tried to Send Myself Crazy
– 5 Things That Suck About Improving Your Personal Productivity
– the 5 Simplest Steps You’ll Ever Take to Simplify Your Life